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artic  presentation of the president
folderOur position
artic  Our position
folderThe concerts
folder   CALENDARIO 2009
folderThe (our) story
artic  The (our) story
folder   The thirty years
artic     The thirty years
folder   The story continue 1997 2004
folderThe repertorie
folderThe manager
artic  The manager
artic  People
folderThe secretory's office
artic  The secretory's office
folderOur friend up there
folderThe recordings
folder   were
artic     Incision 1997
folder   White...
artic     White...
folder   Caporett
artic     Caporett
folder   The chours Monte Peralba 1967/1977
artic     The chours Monte Peralba 1967/1977
folderThe photographs
folder   GERMANY
folder      Concert 1989
artic        Concert 1989
folder      Concert 1995
folder   Austria
folder   Svizzera
folder   Francia
folder   Belgio
folder   Ai Casoni
artic     Photograph Casoni
folder   The our Mountain
artic     Mountain photograph
folder   Sunset
artic     Sunset
folder   Particolar photograph
artic     Particolar photograph
folderThe Movies
artic  I Filmati
folderThe vignette
artic  The vignette
folder   Cristmas
folder      Cristmas 1997
artic        Angel 1997
folderThe adventures prose
artic  The adventures in poetic/prose
folderThe supporters
artic  Supporter
folderUseful Links
artic  Useful Links
folderThe wishes
artic  The wishes
folderVeneto legends
folder   Un Santo Bestemmiatore
artic     Un Santo Bestemmiatore
artic  E-Mail
credits: Dacos Sistemi